奇门遁甲 简介

  奇门遁甲,是中国古老的一种术数,是一门传统珍贵文化遗产。有伪传说  奇门遁甲“奇门遁甲”是修真的功法。

  “奇门遁甲”的含义是由“奇”“门”“遁甲”三个概念组成。“奇”就是乙、 丙、丁三奇;“门”就是休、生、伤、杜、景、惊、 死,开八门;“遁”即隐藏,“甲”指六甲,即甲子、甲戌、甲申、甲午、甲辰、甲寅,“甲”是在十干中最为尊贵,它藏而不现,隐遁于六仪之下。“六仪”就是戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。隐遁原则是甲子同六戊,甲戌同六己,甲申同六庚,甲午同六辛,甲辰同六壬,甲寅同六癸。另外还配合蓬,任,冲,辅,英,芮,柱,心,禽九星。奇门遁的占测主要分为天,门,地三盘,象征三才。天盘的九宫有九星,中盘的八宫(中宫寄二宫)布八门;地盘的八宫代表八个方位,静止不动;同时天盘地盘上,每宫都分配着特定的奇(乙,丙,丁)仪(戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸六仪)。这样,根据具体时日,以六仪,三奇,八门,九星排局,以占测人类社会和自然世界,在人事关系方面选择吉时吉方,就构成了中国神秘文化中一个特有的门类----奇门遁甲。

Qi Men Dun Jia is based on astronomical observations, and consists of various aspects of Chinese metaphysics, including the doctrines of yin and yang, five elements, the eight trigrams, the ten Heavenly Stems and the twelve Earthly Branches, as well as the twenty-four solar terms.
The Qi Men Dun Jia cosmic board consists of a 3 × 3 magic square of nine palaces, which includes a Heaven and Earth pan, a spirit pan, eight gates and a star pan. The various symbols rotate around the palaces with each double hour, making a total of 1,080 different configurations of the Qi Men Dun Jia cosmic board. These "ju" or situations are recycled four times per year, and are divided between the Yin and Yang halves of the year.
Each type of Qi Men Dun Jia divination carries its unique set of Use Spirits (yong shen). For example, medical divination relies mainly upon the Tian Rui Star, the Tian Xin Star, and Yi Qi. The task of the Qi Men Dun Jia analyst is to interpret and analyze the meanings of the symbols in relation to questions asked. Any Qi Men Dun Jia ju may be interpreted or analyzed to respond to a wide variety of questions, or to solve a multitude of problems.
Qi Men Dun Jia is rooted in non-western concepts of time, where time takes on qualities and characteristics, and one segment of time is not necessarily comparable with another. The analyst makes reference to the configuration of the cosmic board at the time when a question is posed, or for birth times of individuals or corporate entities, such as businesses or nations. At times, the same or very similar configurations of the cosmic board will appear in relation to the same series of questions or problems.

